Ilet la Mer

Ilet la Mer

Îlet-la-Mer investigates the troubled relationship between Créole culture and the ocean. “Creoles turn their backs to the sea” is a common saying in La Réunion. The reason behind this is the unsettled history of the slave trade. Most of the population have been forcefully brought to the island by boat and many died during the journey. To this day, the sea remains a symbol of death. Îlet-la-Mer seeks to reconnect Creole culture with its seashore through the vernacular rite of the picnic (which often takes place by the sea). A picnic set is crafted exclusively from coastline materials bringing out the potentialities of the island’s shore. By suggesting the ocean as a horizon, Îlet-la-Mer seeks to weave back anew the island's relationship with the Indian Ocean.

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